Are screens making our children silly?

Are screens making our children silly?

The dangers of screens for our children, the answer is clear: yes! And there is an urgent need to react. From 2 years old, children in Western countries accumulate almost 3 hours of screen every day. Between the ages of 6 and 12, they are exposed to it for almost 4 hours a day and, in adolescence, almost 7 hours.

Taken together, these uses represent around 1,000 hours per year for a kindergarten student (more than the hourly volume of a school year) and 1,700 hours for a primary student. This time spent in front of the screens is simply excessive.

The problems are also starting to be felt among health and early childhood professionals. More and more children are consulting speech therapists or psychomotor therapists.

What are the consequences for children of this overexposure to screens?

The impact is major, in particular, on intellectual development through attacks on language, attention or cultural capital (via, in particular, the reduction in the time devoted to other more structuring activities, such as interactions human, music, sport, reading).

Health is also affected: screens impact the cardiovascular system, increase the risk of obesity and / or facilitate certain risky behaviors - addiction to tobacco, alcohol, sex, etc.

Finally, we observe significant effects on emotional regulation with a documented increase in the risk of anxiety, aggression or depression (via, in particular, impaired sleep).

Should we then deprive our children of screens?

For little ones, say before 6 years old, the answer is simple: limit exposure and, if possible, tend towards zero for chronic uses (you can obviously, from time to time, take your child to the cinema or watch a cartoon). At this age, there is no benefit in exposing the child, only inconvenience.

Several studies have shown negative effects from 15 minutes per day, apparently due to an excess of sensory stimulation, impaired sleep and / or weakened family interactions. A quarter of an hour doesn't seem like much, but if you spent it, for example, reading a story to your child, it would be over 700,000 words by the end of the year, not to mention the hugs, the laughs and the hugs. tickling.

And then, at this age, there is the problem of habituation and the long-term effects. The earlier a child is exposed to screens, the more likely he is to become a major consumer afterwards.

What to do then ?

Favor people who allow the child to think, concetrer and play while learning. Problem-solving, puzzle-type games. Also favor family games, it will make you live quality moments with your children

family play
This type of game will allow your child to learn patience and perseverance. It will be a great asset for him in his future life.